This tutorial will show you how to change the size of desktop icons for your account in Windows 11.
I will show you three ways to change the size of desktop icons for your account in Windows 11.
Change Size of Desktop Icons using Context Menu
Right click on your desktop, Click on View, and click on Large icons, Medium icons  or Small icons for the size you want
Change Desktop Icons using Keyboard shortcuts
Press the keyboard combination in the table below for the desktop icons view size you want :
Icon Size         Keyboard Combination
Extra large icons       Ctrl+ Shift + 1
Large icons            Ctrl+ Shift + 2
Medium icons          Ctrl+ Shift + 3
Small icons            Ctrl+ Shift + 4
Change Size of Desktop Icons using Scroll Wheel
Click on your desktop
Press and hold the Ctrl key while rolling the scroll wheel up (larger) or down (smaller) to cycle the icon view to the size you want, and release the Ctrl key when done.